I found this five dollar bill on the floor. I asked everyone on my way to the bathroom if it was theirs and it wasn’t.
I used it to buy a scoop of this. It was delicious.
I have been lucky for a really long time, I have found money on the ground countless times. I won $1000.00 off of the radio once. I used to win concert tickets ALL the time. I even won a coloring contest at Halloween time and got a VHS video of Sleepy Hollow. That was a big deal in 1982, because we had a VCR and not everybody did at the time. Hold up, I think this a moment where my son would be flabbergasted that I was alive before they INVENTED cell phones, DVD’s etc. He probably doesn’t even know what VHS is. Guess what, we even had an 8 track and it was awesome. He asked me the other night if I was alive before cereal was invented. He asked me, “Did you have cereal when you were little or was that not invented yet.” Oh boy. Back to being lucky.
Then as I was walking look what landed on my thumb. A lady bug. DO you know that if a lady bug lands on you it means you are lucky? Beetles have always loved my thumbs. Not kidding a june bug attached itself to my thumb when I was four. I can still feel its poky little legs clinging for dear life on my skin. It totally freaked me out. I was so happy to have this little lady bug come for a visit. I think the universe was telling me I am lucky. I can’t wait for the next few months because right now, I have luck. Luck left me for a while, but its back in full swing and I love it.