In my class we hatch baby chicks every year. It is so much fun. My kids love it when I bring them home for the weekend.
I woke up Sunday morning and got the kids up so we could get ready for church. I was scrambling around when I looked down the staircase, from the top of the stairs you can see my couch on the bottom floor. There was Aydan half dressed with a baby chick nestled under his chin. We were running late for church but how could this little scene not melt my heart. It did, it was a perfect moment. Although he would not want you to know it, he is tender. I wanted to take a little spring picture with the chicks so he sat them on the table next to the flowers. It took a few tries to get it perfect.
Shot number two..chick runs away and hand in the corner.
It took a few tries to get it perfect.
I feel like that is the story of my life. Why can’t it just be perfect the first time around? I’m not sure. Maybe it is because I believe so strongly in the idea of trying again. Just like on the playground today a second grader yelled, “What the HE**!” Who was tattled on by another second grader who had told him he sucked. I talked to both of them we discussed what they could of said instead… Seriously, they gave me the lamest answers like, “You’re team is the best.” and “I wish I could play on your team.” As if they would ever actually say that but I let it slide…..I told them I believed they could make better choices and challenged them to do so. However, at the next recess name calling ensued and so then did parent calling by me, loss of the next recess, and banishment from soccer for the next week. What is with this lesson of trial and error? Why can’t the correct choice just be made the first time? Why are there so many consequences?
Trial and Error
So you try and you err. So is life. It isn’t perfect and it takes a few tries. You get control of one person, you. You get to choose the choices and the consequences choose you whether you like it or not. You know I always believed good choices = good consequences and bad choices = bad consequences but in truth and through trial and error I have learned that the chips are going to just fall where the chips fall. The only perfect thing is nothing is perfect. And it is OK. Maybe. I’m not sure because the truth is everything is just supposed to work out just perfectly if you, yourself are trying so very hard to be perfect. It is absolutely exhausting. is perfect.
Not perfect. Ok with it. XOXO The Sunny D