The kids had their Spring Sing this week. I have to say that our music teacher is one of the best I have ever had the opportunity to work with. He is amazing and so talented. He loves the kids and they love him. He does a great job and the kids love going to music. The Spring Sing was awesome. I LOVE watching my kids perform. I guess most parents do. It was a hustle and bustle Monday night. Ellie performed and I stayed with my class during and after the show. Tuesday night we were back at it to watch Aydan’s performance. I was equally impressed.
I even had a part in the program….part of being a teacher. It was a 50’s theme so I dug out the old letter man jacket. Everyone had a good time. Wednesday came too quickly we were tired over here at the Tidwell house.
9 days of school left. Everyone is counting down the days right? We just can’t wait for summer. The teachers are counting, the kids are counting, the school aides are counting, the parents are counting. We are ALL counting down. The jokes are flying on social media about the end of the school year and how everyone is burnt out. There is something else you should know…….. I love this time of year. Yes, I am as tired as you are and having been fighting bronchitis for the last three weeks without taking a day off makes me especially tired. BUT. I love this time of year when standardized testing is over. I can teach and enjoy every single cute little unique personality in my class. My class KNOWS me now. They know ALL my teacher looks. They know when I am SERIOUS and when I am not. They know that when I say, “Go stand in the hall we need to chat.”….that is the scariest part of that whole conversation.They know me so well and I know them, and that my friends is a golden place to be in a school year. So even though we are all tired, it is kind of my favorite time because I get to ENJOY my kids! (Kids…meaning students) How I love each and every one of them. They have the routine down, they know the rules, they have worked so hard and we still will work for 9 more days. My voice is saying all the teacher things I should be saying but my heart is saying, “How will I let you go in 9 days and How will I love another 26 little munchkins as much as I love you?” When all of the deadlines start creeping up on me and I feel the tension in my shoulders from the pressure of the end of year stuff I just tell myself, relax and just enjoy these sweet kids. That makes it all better and helps me remember what is really important. Twenty-six darling students that I adore with all my heart who will be gone in 9 days.
Sometimes this time of year is a TWO Diet Coke day. Something super weird happened the other day. My friend Tessie and I were at the food court at the mall. We had grabbed a taco at Rubio’s and a Diet Coke at McDonald’s because Cokes are only $1 at McDonald’s. As she and I sat down to eat a woman approached us with a card. She was a large olive complected woman, with a smattering of thick, black, hair coming out of her chin. She handed us a card and said, “You need to call me but I only have one card for you.” Ok, thank you, we replied.
Then she turned and sat down to focus on her meal. As we looked at the card it said she was a fortune teller. I thought it was such an odd thing to happen and had never before been approached by a fortune teller in a mall. Outside of a cathedral in Spain by a gypsy holding rosemary twigs? Yes. Which seemed appropriate and kind of The Hunchback of Notre Dame-ish, you know? But at the Chandler Mall in the food court? My mind started to churn as it does sometimes…is there something about my future that I need to know? Why did she only approach us? Maybe she sees me becoming thin, finding some handsome guy to marry, and my future looks bright. Maybe I get sick and have cancer and lose all my hair?!
Then the quote came to me and I can’t remember who said it, “I would rather talk to the one who made the stars about my future than someone who reads them.”
and….I didn’t worry one more second about it.
Then there was this little gem. I always wanted to be Asian. I also wanted to be six feet tall. At least, for a minute I got my wish.
Then there was this, about a month ago I had some friends over for a BBQ. Saturday I had some chicken to grill up for lunches this week. When I opened the grill I found this. Leftovers anyone? This is a perfect picture of how nuts the last six weeks have been.
XOXO- The Sunny D….9 days.