I love Oscar Wilde. He is so witty, you know smart witty. I love his play the Importance of Being Earnest. Maybe because my Grandpa is named Ernest and mostly because it is about BEING Earnest. I just love it.
I went to a party the other night. It was a dinner party for a friends birthday. I was sitting between two male friends of mine and we were having a nice conversation. We were talking about dating. We were talking about my friends and who they are dating and I said, you know I don’t go on very many dates. I used to, but then I stopped because I was tired and now I just don’t get asked. Then one of the guys says, “But you were on a date last Friday night.”
Whaaa? Wait. What? I said, no I was not. I did show up to a different dinner with a male friend of mine. My question is this….WHY does that mean we are on a date? We weren’t. Trust me the feelings are mutual. I love this friendboy of mine with all my heart in a sisterly protective, don’t mess with my friends because I am that loyal kind of way. But that is about as far as it goes.
Then the other friend said, I thought you were dating so and so because you are in a picture together on Facebook.
What? Maybe I am really this dumb? If you sit next to someone for two minutes, and a picture is taken, posted to FACEBOOK you are now an ITEM? HUH?
Facebook and Texting are ruining my dating life. Seriously.
Then there was a fellow who I had dated in the past, he uses my Facebook page to now scope out my friends and then befriends them. LAME. Seriously so LAME. The guy doesn’t even live here and would never meet these women. Ever. He sends these mushy gushy texts to me. I just don’t have time for weird stuff like that. That is the one foot in one foot in Montana type of guy right there.
It was all starting to bug me a little bit. Truly.
Plus there is this whole other aspect of Facebook and dating. You can basically be stalked and someone can know your whole life before they even go out with you if you are friends with them on Facebook. This is a problem because you or they may form an opinion about someone before you even ever meet and it could be TOTALLY wrong! I wonder how many dates have been passed by because of Facebook…OR how many dates have happened because of Facebook?
I saw this sign and it pretty much sums up dating for me: