Body Building poses…being silly.
I realized my obligation to her to teach her to love her body. To be happy with its natural shape and size. To be glad we have strong sturdy shoulders. Every time I get a massage the massage therapist I go to says how much muscle I have in my shoulders and back. The other day my Mom and I were watching Ellie do something and my Mom said, “She has your body.” You know, SHE DOES and I love everything about it! I guess what I have learned here and been mulling over is that our bodies are amazing. They are simply amazing. I want my children to be happy about their bodies, to take care of them and to love them. I want them to know the difference between a good snack choice and a bad snack choice because of how it makes them FEEL. I want them to realize that when they grab a bag of chips that they are literally still hungry ten minutes later and asking for something else. I want them to notice that when they grab an apple instead they feel full so much longer. I want them to play sports and dance because it FEELS so good to break a sweat and release built up tension in the body. I want all of these things for my children but it has to NUMBER ONE start with me, loving my body too. I am 36 years old, I have been an emotional eater, there have been times when I have not loved and appreciated my body as I should. I have also learned a lot, and now am so happy to have a healthy body! I can continue to teach healthy habits to my children. I can give them opportunities to play sports and try new activities in ways that they can use their bodies and be PROUD of them for WHAT THEY DO, not what they look like, or more pointedly what the world tells them they should look like. It feels good to make healthy choices.