I got these new fancy running compression socks for my legs, although I had the vein removed it seems another one has settled into the same place. The doctor says it will go away but who knows. I guess varicose veins are just a part of my life. These were $50 socks. I sort of coughed when I had to pay for them but they sure feel good when I run! I bought new shoes while I was at it.
I lost this nail six months later! It had a huge blister under it and it hurt pretty badly. I stuck a needle all the way down the middle of it to the cuticle but underneath the nail to pop that blister it was NASTY.
Anyway, what makes me nervous about another marathon is my legs. I have REALLY tight IT bands. I recently took up hot yoga and have now attended twice. I am amazed at the knots people can pull themselves into. I AM SERIOUS. I can’t even touch my toes yet. STILL SERIOUS. Which was alarming to me, I mean MAN ALIVE!?!? Now wonder I had IT band trouble. So I really think this yoga thing is really going to help me run. Maybe it is the key to breaking personal records.
A note about the body and emotions.
As I work through my yoga practice it takes a lot of focus to do some of the poses and breathing too. I have this spot in my lower back, the right side and it just ACHES it’s like this fist of knots. As I work through each move my muscles slowly start to limber up. By the end my hips ache and that spot in my back is on fire. At the end of yoga you get to just lay on your mat for like three minutes in the dark and listen to the music but my back is in so much pain I can’t even lie straight on my back. I even try to lay on my side, put a towel under my back for support..no dice. That is not good, yoga must be exactly where I need to be! Tonight I was sitting in pigeon pose. A pose that just KILLS me. I mean KILLS. This is half pigeon pose you can see if you have hamstring, IT band and lower back issues how this pose might just do the trick.