My wonderful friend.
I’d like to rewind my life a month. Can I do that? There is a new movie coming out that Spanish Sassafras and I have been counting down the days for. It is about a man that can go back in time. If I could go back I would not burn the midnight oil for the last three weeks leaving me physically worn out with this awful cold that I am almost positive is bronchitis. I would change a lot of things. I worked myself to the bone. It is the trait of a perfectionist, one who does more than physically possible and still feels behind. I want to crawl in a hole for three days…or more. Tonight my kids were at their Dad’s. After work I came home and lay in bed for two hours. It felt like five minutes. I then got tired of being in bed so I took myself to a movie. I forgot how nice it is to go to a movie alone sometimes. I figured I could lay in bed or lay in a movie chair what’s the difference. Right?
My little brother Marshall came home from his mission yesterday. It feels like our family is complete again. I was so happy to see him and he is TALL. We are all going to the beach this weekend, and Del Mar…and Disneyland. I am happy to be with my family. I love them so much.