I made this girl from scratch
My Mom made me from scratch
For Mother’s Day, I am making this little number from scratch. My house smells delicious.
I was thinking about my Mom today, as most of us should. I think I was a typical child. I think I was mostly nice with a few hiccups here and there.
I was intuitive, like the time I put DAWN in the dishwasher instead of dishwashing soap because we were out. We left and when we came home there were suds flooding the kitchen.
I was helpful, like the time I ordered KFC for our family for dinner because my Mom had been working all day and I thought it would be nice for her to come home and not cook. She wasn’t that happy about it.
I was creative, like the time my Mom had this pretty etched glass red vase with a rose in it and I broke it on accident and blamed it on my cousin who lived across town…this cousin also ate all of her chocolates that day even though she hadn’t been over.
I was thrifty, I used to clip coupons for all the stuff my Mom needed to buy at the store from the Sunday paper. I am sure that was super helpful.
I was honest, like the time my Mom was going on a date (before she was married) and the “date” was dropping me off at Grandma’s on the way there I said, “I feel sick,” and then proceeded to throw up all over his truck. I bet that was the best date ever.
I was investigative, like the time a stranger came to the front door and I snuck behind the front door to peer through the crack to see who it was..when unbeknownst to me my Mom moved the door JUST a hair and BOTH my toenails got ripped right off the nail beds by the metal door thing at the bottom of the door.
I was motivated, because Mom pretty much had to help me with every project I ever did.
I was a Mathematician, that is why I was in tutoring pretty much my whole childhood, teenage and college years.
I was punctual, like the time I was out with my boyfriend and got home thirty minutes after my curfew and my Mom walked out in her pajama’s, opened the door to his car and dragged me in the house by my ear. That boyfriend still loves my Mom. I wanted to crawl in a big, deep, dark hole.
I was a winner, like the time my Mom spent HOURS helping me run for student council in 5th grade, writing a speech, making gobs of posters and hand outs..and I lost.
Did I mention I was really good at math?? When I was a Junior in High School I got a D in Math knowing my Dad would literally kill me..okay not literally but be FURIOUS with me, probably because of all the money he was spending on tutoring. She changed my carbon copy D to a C so I could survive, best Mom moment of my life until that point.
My Mom also let me stay home from school once in a blue moon, just by myself even if I wasn’t really sick and we would get Taco Bell for lunch and rent movies. My friends came over to eat lunch at my house ALL of the time because I lived across the street from the high school she was so happy to have us. She helped me in my classes, helped me navigate enrolling for classes at ASU, gives cooking advice when I can’t remember how to make that certain thing, she helped me when I had my babies and through a heart wrenching divorce. When I was informed that my ex wanted a divorce, I went to my closet and sobbed on the phone to my Mom, I don’t even think she could understand what I was saying she just came and picked me up to stay at her house. She helps me when I am in a pinch, gives me love when I need it, helps me look pretty when I don’t, gives me a pep talk if I am down, but most of all she reassures me that everything will be fine.
She said to me once, little kids little problems, big kids big problems. I can’t imagine what it will be like to be the parent of an adult child. I can’t imagine the worry I have caused her over the last few years, the stress but I couldn’t have navigated through this without her. I am so lucky to have the best Mom in the world. I am so happy to have the relationship I have with her. Life has been wonderful for me the last six months or so. I am so grateful to have a Mom to celebrate the good life with on this Mother’s Day.
Love, The Sunny D