Pound that Double Double Ms. T
Ms. T’s busy bees. We have had a bee epidemic in our classroom the last two days. Holy Moly. My kids say they love my classroom because we are the busy bee’s they just want to fit in somewhere. That is until I use my hot pink Birkentstock from London to smack those bee’s to the wall. I feel bad because one of my children has been taught about reincarnation. shoot.
I just have to brag. A little….. because I am SO proud of my cute class. They MASTERED 0-12 of their multiplication facts. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them. So of course we had to get LUNCH at IN-N-Out. It was delicious, and I only ate about 1/3 of that double double..should’ve had them make it protein style. One thing every adult should learn, NEVER put limits on kids. Never tell them what they can’t do, rather what they can and when you do that..they will.